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Posted on July 2, 2013

During the next few weeks while Lamb of God is gearing up for several European dates in August, vocalist Randy Blythe is busy gearing up for the release of his upcoming memoir. The memoir, which puts emphasis on the past year of his life, is an incredible, harrowing, heartbreaking, and redemptive story told in Blythe’s already well-recognized writing style. It seems that almost every major media outlet has attempted to righteously cover the story of Blythe’s arrest, incarceration, trial, and acquittal for manslaughter in the Czech Republic last year, but now, the man at the centre of it all unveils the truths of the ordeal, personally detailing every aspect in his own words. No ghost-writers, no co-authors, just Randy Blythe, himself.

Randy Blythe is pleased to announce that the rights to this currently untitled memoir, currently slated to hit stores in the spring of 2014, have been sold for the USA to Executive Editor Ben Schafer at Da Capo Press. Da Capo Press is a member of American publishing company the Perseus Books Group. Internationally, much acclaimed publisher Random House has purchased the foreign rights to the memoir and will act as publisher in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Random House recently put out Corey Taylor’s two best-sellers.

“While I’ve dreamed of being a published author almost since I began to read, I never imagined my first book would center around such a sad topic. Sometimes though, life unexpectedly provides you a story that needs to be told,” states Blythe. “I believe this one does (for several different reasons, not just for the benefit of myself), so I will tell it with the respect and dignity all involved deserve. This will be a good read, I promise you, and I hope some good comes of it.”

Randy Blythe and his band Lamb Of God will headline the Bloodstock Festival in the UK in early August.


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