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Unto Others


Posted on May 11, 2012

frontman Randy Blythe has been expressing his views via Twitter again and in his most recent ‘rant’ he discusses how labels support bands / promote their releases vs releasing independently, as well as touching upon why ‘the record industry is dying’. Check out some tweets from the opinionated frontman below:

“So Marilyn Manson‘s new record debuted at #10 [with] just over [38,000] sold, including iTunes. He released it independently on his own record. This is a guy with 3 platinum records, 3 gold, 5 top 10 debuts including two NUMBER ONE RECORDS in the U.S. He also has a HUGE CULT FOLLOWING.”

“A #10 record? 38,000 sold first week for arguably one of the biggest ‘underground’-type acts? IT’S FUCKING PATHETIC. The industry is DYING.”

“All the people who argue about not feeding the record labels, the corporate machine, etc., about how artists should just release their albums THEMSELVES and THE FANS, THE REAL UNDERGROUND FANS will back them to support the artists? There is your fucking answer.”

“I don’t listen to [Marilyn Manson], but dude has cred for making his own artistic choices. He hasn’t released a record in 3 years and his fans, his HUGE-ASS FAN BASE, could only chart 38,000 records? That’s fucked up. MARILYN MANSON is a MUCH LARGER BAND than LAMB OF GOD, and we outsold him by over 10,000 first week. Not because we have gotten bigger, but because we had a label, a promotional machine behind us. So much for the ‘release it yourself and we will support the artist and not the greedy corporate label pigs’ theory. Amazing.”

“Don’t cry for me, Argentina – I can tour ’till the cows come home and pay my bills. But I feel sorry for the young bands.”

Check out Randy’s Twitter feed by clicking here.

Point your mouse in this direction to pick up a copy of LAMB OF GOD’s latest album ‘Resolution’.


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