in a rare Irish interview, DOUG STANHOPE took some time to speak to about life on the road, the ‘piece of sh*t’ that was his Comedy Central show with Joe Rogan, the beef that went down with Adam Carolla, his experience of making Louie with Louis CK and much more. You can read an extract from the interview below:
You live in Arizona and you’re on the road a lot. Are you working the clubs down there to get your new material together?
Doug: I take a lot of time off. It hurts me to do that but it’s the reason I’m alive to do anything. It’s like drinking on stage – I’m working on the perfect balance of how much I can drink whilst still doing a good show. You really want to push it to that edge. Right now we are doing a lot of gigs in a row. In the fall I was doing one or two shows and coming home and watching football but it didn’t really work out because if I do two shows and then take five days off, I don’t remember what the f*ck I said last week so Im starting from scratch each week you know? I find it’s best to do a sh*t load of work and then take a few months off.
How is the tour going? You’re in Wolverhampton tonight.
Doug: Yeah, it’s a town I have never heard of or been to but we are having a blast driving everywhere, putting up with crowds, airports, changing stations. We have a van and a driver and my girlfriend and a friend of mine are all with me so I’m having the best fun I’ve ever had over here.
So you’re still enjoying the road, then.
Doug: Yeah I am. I miss my dogs and I really love my home and I’m really good at doing nothing at all. I surprise myself at how good I am at doing nothing. If I burned a calorie a day I’d be amazed.
A lot of comedians are going down the route of podcasts and I’ve heard some of the stuff you did on the podcast with Joe Rogan. It’s brilliant and Joe seems to be really enjoying himself as the show goes on. Would you consider going down the podcast route yourself?
Doug: I haven’t had the courage to listen to that yet. I definitely would but I would burn out of guests very fast. I live in a town with 6000 people and the nearest city is 100 miles away so I could interview some of the weird people that are local who all have good stories but I would run out of guests too quickly.
Joe speaks very fondly about you. You are really good friends but he doesn’t speak too fondly of The Man Show. Was it tough working with a network or eye-opening?
Doug: It was a fantastic learning experience. We had blast doing the show. Not the actual show but the time around the show. It was f*cking awesome to be a bit rebellious and fun telling the suits to kiss our ass. But the show itself was a piece of sh*t. We couldn’t do anything about it though.
Read the full interview over on by clicking here – it’s a great read!
Click here to find dates and tickets for Doug’s current UK tour.