DOUG STANHOPE began his UK tour last week and it comes just in time for the release of his new DVD ‘Before Turning The Gun On Himself‘. Reviews have been popping up online recently and you can check out some of those reviews below:
Of course, his tenth DVD release Before Turning the Gun on Himself is no different. Fair game this time around are the parents of cult comic Mitch Hedberg, who started a charity golf tournament in his name to raise money for a rehab clinic, the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-Step Programme and its “recognising a higher power” stipulation, celebrity rehab reality TV presenter Dr Drew, the effect of the recession on prostitution, and the reappropriation of the word ‘faggot’ (“If you are offended by any word in any language, it’s probably because your parents were unfit to raise a child.”)
Stanhope’s comedy is caustic and completely unapologetic, and for that reason it isn’t for everyone. But there is something rational beneath it all, an underlying view of the world that is undoubtedly cynical but often makes a great deal of sense. His frequent rants on the subject of overpopulation are particularly refreshing, since it is a topic that no-one seems brave enough to even mention.
Click here to read more on Now Then Magazine’s website.
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