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Holy Days Ahead

Posted on February 12, 2008

A bit back, Roadrunner Records signed another act from the great land of Canada, this one called High Holy Days. How did it happen? Why? Their A&R rep from the country writes the following: It’s finally happening. Fuck I’m excited! The best rock band in Canada – HIGH HOLY DAYS – will be releasing their debut album ‘All My Real Friends’ through Roadrunner Records in March 2004. It’s been a long time coming for these guys…man, and this disc couldn’t represent great rock music any better. Start to finish ‘All My Real Friends’ is a rock-out disc. And the live show, man, forget about it. HIGH HOLY DAYS lives and dies on the stage. Dudes, I’m a punk A&R brat, and I don’t EVER sing lyrics at shows (it’s not fawwwk’in cool ya know?), but I SING these lyrics. I can’t help it. So now to stop being so gushy and shit, here’s how it came to be… I first heard the disc through my good friend Mike who came by and literally told me, í¢ä‰åñYOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO THIS. YOU HAVE TO HEAR HOW GOOD THIS IS.í¢ä‰åŒ So we sat down and listened and within 30 seconds I wasn’t thinking ‘I have to hear this,’ I was thinking, ‘I HAVE TO SEE THIS.’ Mike and I figured out how to make it happen as fast as possible, got in a car, and headed 5 hours into Northern Ontario for what was to be my favorite show ever. These dudes had a bar filled with 300 people, from a town who’s population is only like 50,000, and on a fuck’n Monday night, no less. Not many indie bands can do that in Toronto… Sufficed to say they kicked my ass and the crowd soaked me in beer. The feeling was undeniable í¢ä‰åäóì it was pure rock energy. The singing maní¢ä‰åŒ_ I could go on about the singing. Marc Arcand’s voice is the strongest, most powerful voice in rock today. And dude, Billy MacGregor’s riffs kill it. You’ve got to see Billy play. Bass? Want to talk Bass? My man Jeremy Galda whacks out those bass strings like their dental floss, and Jay ‘The Man In Black (gloves)’ Guindon beats a set of drums like he’s summoning the gods. The gods must have been summoned because luckily after a few (hundred) beers with the guys that night we managed to become great friends and work together this past year to make sure their music and this record gets out the public. It’s a great album from a band who give it their all every second they play, even though their talents come as naturally as waking up in the morning (well, for some people, anyway). The first single, also entitled í¢ä‰åñAll My Real Friends,í¢ä‰åŒ will be hitting Canadian Rock radio in late January 2004, and on the shelves in March 2004. International release dates (US included) are yet to be confirmed. But keep your eyes peeled because HIGH HOLY DAYS will be passing through your town more than once this year and leaving a serious impression on your eardrums. – Jamie Milligan A&R Roadrunner Records High Holy Days, welcome aboard.


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