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Dana Dentata

Getting To Know…. Johnny Kelly

Posted on February 12, 2008

Alot of the attention on Type O Negative focuses around their singer, Pete Steele. Here, we’re gonna share with you a little more on the rest of the band behind the music… and Johnny Kelly, drums, is up first. Date of birth? “March 9, 1968” A touring memory? “That infamous toilet paper fight with Pantera!” One album that you think everyone should own? “Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti” Which famous person (dead or alive) would you most like to spend time with and why them? “John Bonham, so that I can ask him how he did those monster fills in ‘Achilles Last Stand’.” Best piece of advice you’ve been given? “Don’t quit your day job.” If I wasn’t making music I would be… “A bigger loser than I already am.” Tell us one thing about yourself: “I’m immature.” What’s one thing you hope to achieve, that you haven’t yet? “Perform at Madison Square Garden.” I am most proud of… “My daughter, Sophia.”


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